"借口(Excuse)",another classic song by Jay Chou,I believe that if you are a Chinese Pop music fan,you must heard this song before...It is said that this song touch a lot of girls...xD...the sad sad piano melody plus sad sad lyrics,this song really show us the sadness which the singer try to express,if you just break up or feel depressed now,hope you can enjoy the music=)...Here's the lyrics:
翻着我们的照片(Looking at our pictures)
想念若隐若现(everything in my mind is about you)
去年的冬天(Still remember last winter)
我们笑得很甜(the happy smiles on our faces)
看着你哭泣的脸(Looking at your crying face)
对着我说再见(when you said farewell to me)
来不及听见(I have not caught them yet)
你已走得很远(but you have already walked away from me)
也许你已经放弃我(Maybe you have already gave up on me)
也许已经很难回头(Maybe you have alredy made your last decision)
我知道是自己错过(I know that these was all my fault)
请再给我一个理由说你不爱我(but please gave me another reason which can explain that you did not love me anymore)
就算是我不懂(Even though I was not understand you very well)
能不能原谅我(can you forgive me?)
请不要把分手当作你的请求(Please do not treat break up as your request)
我知道坚持要走是你受伤的借口(I know that you ask for breaking up is the excuse of you getting hurt)
请你回头(but please change your decision)
我会陪你一直走到最后(I will company you till the end of your life)
就算没有结果(Even though we are impossible)
我也能够承受(I still can bear it)
我知道你的痛(I know that every pains you got)
是我给的承诺(were caused by the promises I have gave)
你说给过我纵容(You said you have ever gave me forgiveness)
沉默是因为包容(You kept quiet because you try to comprehend)
如果要走 请你记得我(If you really wanna go,please remember me)
如果难过 请你忘了我(but if you feel painful,please forget about me!)
Haha...translate the lyrics by myself,do not know wether they are accurate or not=)Anyway,this song really make me think of those sad but happy memories I ever had with someone.I asked for breaking up when I still love her,I know that I hurt both of us but I got no choice...T.T...I felt very guilty for so many years but what can I do?Anyway,for so many years I did not change my handphone ring even though I have already changed my handphone a lot of times...It will always be this song-借口(Excuse),both of us love this song and I really miss the time when we are together,when she playing the piano and I singing this song...